Bols Blue Curacao Liqueur 50 cl. 21%
Bols Blue Curacao Liqueur 50 cl. 21%

Bols Blue Curacao Liqueur 50 cl. 21%

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    Bols Blue Curacao Liqueur 50 cl. 21%


    Bols Blue is the original Blue Curacao and one of the oldest variants in Bols’ assortment. Bols Blue still belongs to the world’s best-selling Blue Curacaoes. In the last century, Bols Blue was known as “Crème de Ciel” – or in the Danish ‘heavenly cream’ – and the liqueur still tastes so the angels sing


    Bols have produced spirits and mixers since the year 1575 and are known worldwide for their many different products. Bols have their distillery in Amsterdam.


    Bols Blue Curacao Liqueur 50 cl. 21%


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