Nature One Dairy Fortiplus Nutritional Adult formula 900g Low GI
Nature One Dairy Fortiplus Nutritional Adult formula 900g Low GI

Nature One Dairy Fortiplus Nutritional Adult formula 900g Low GI

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    Nature One Dairy Fortiplus Nutritional Adult formula 900g Low GI


    Specially formulated for adults aged 40 and above, FortiPlus® offers a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It contains Phosphatidylserine (PS) to assist in improving memory functions, along with DHA, Lactoferrin, Calcium, Protein, Iron, and Dietary Fiber to provide essential nutrients to maintain a strong and active lifestyle.


    1. For active adults lifestyle
    2. Halal-Certified
    3. Made from 100% grass-fed cow’s milk
    4. Australian-Made
    5. High quality ingredients
    6. Certified Dairy Manufacturer in Australia


    Nature One Dairy Fortiplus Nutritional Adult formula 900g Low GI


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