Original Thai Red Bull Energy Drink Theoplex-L Wholesale
Original Thai Red Bull Energy Drink Theoplex-L Wholesale

Original Thai Red Bull Energy Drink Theoplex-L Wholesale

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    Original Thai Red Bull Energy Drink Theoplex-L Wholesale


    Thai Red Bull Theoplex-L Formula is a sweeter concentrated version of the standard Red Bukl. It’s also un-carbonated making it easier to drink. Some sources say that it’s 3-4 times more effective than similar products on the market, and is used in Thailand by Muay Thai-fighters to give them an added boost. Thai Red Bukl Theoplex-L Formula contains twice as much taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) and caffeine than its Western equivalents.

    Thai Red Bukl should be served chilled. Some people like to mix it with Thai Sangsom rum.


    Original Thai Red Bukl Energy Drink Theoplex-L Wholesale


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