SMA GOLD First Infant Milk (0 – 6 month) (900g x 3)
SMA GOLD First Infant Milk (0 – 6 month) (900g x 3)

SMA GOLD First Infant Milk (0 - 6 month) (900g x 3)

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    Tel: 84 4 35124558

    Fax: 84 4 35123565

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    Email: anna@

    Kind regards



    SMA GOLD First Infant Milk (0 – 6 month) (900g x 3)

    SMA Gold is a breastmilk substitute that is made for babies of mothers who, for whatever reason, opt to bottle-feed, formula-feed, or combine-feed their children. it is one of the best breastmilk alternatives available in Nigeria, as it is complete with the necessary nutrients that the Nigerian baby needs to grow healthily, these nutrients include omega 3 fatty acids and 6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.


    Vitamin A, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, vitamin c, vitmine D, vitamin E, vitamin K, riboflavin, Folic acid, manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, sodium selenate, biotin, histidine, ferrous sulphate, fructoseliogsaccharides, vegetable oils (coconut, sunflower, rapeseed, palm) lactose, de-mineralized milk, magnesium chloride


    Bear in mind that breastmilk remains the best feed for your baby if he or she is till less than 6months, and your really should  not consider formula feeding within this period.


    SMA GOLD First Infant Milk (0 - 6 month) (900g x 3)


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