Twisties Cheese Multipack 6 X 19g Packs
Twisties Cheese Multipack 6 X 19g Packs

Twisties Cheese Multipack 6 X 19g Packs

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    Twisties Cheese Multipack 6 X 19g Packs


    Potato Snacks… with a Twist!Our Cheese Twisties are shaped into a perfect fun-sized zig zag for a full-bodied and satisfying crunch. We make sure they’re covered in a succulent and savoury cheesy seasoning to deliver the most satisfying snacking experience that’s sure to leave you wondering where they all went.

    Twisties never fail to disappoint, so why don’t you grab a Twisties multipack today and have your taste buds dance in a twist of excitement!


    Twisties Cheese Multipack 6 X 19g Packs




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